
In this documentation, we will explain how to use webhook in OneTalk.

Head to "Integration" and click "Webhooks" and you can start setup a webhook by clicking "Set" on the top right corner.

Enable the webhook and input "Webhook URL" field

Next, you will have to choose a minimum of 1 event on "Subscribed Events" and click "Save Changes" to finalize your webhook.

Webhook Events

Integration Message Status

this webhook event updates your system about the change in status of messages sent via Integration API.

Request payload example:

  "type": "integration_message_status",
  "integrationMessageStatus": { 
    "channelID": "0123456",
    "channelType": "whatsapp|whatsappba",
    "contactPhone": "628123456789",
    "reason": "...",
    "status": "acknowledge|delivered|read|failed",
    "timestamp": 1587352926788,
    "trxID": "000000-0000-0000-0000-000000"
  "organizationID": 1111

Status 'acknowledge' is updated when WhatsApp has received OneTalk's request to send the message.

Status 'delivered' is updated when WhatsApp recipient has received the message.

Status 'read' is upated when WhatsApp recipient has read the message.

Status 'failed' is updated when there's an error either from TapTalk.io's system or WhatsApp's system.

Case Resolved

this webhook event updates your system about the changed in case status to "Resolved" in your organization.

Request payload example:

    "organizationID": 1,
    "type": "case_resolved",
    "caseResolved": {
      "caseID": "958CCF3BB6",
      "channelType": "whatsapp",
      "channelID": "166090",
      "topicID": 1,
      "topicName": "Finance",
      "assigneeType": "agent",
      "chatbotID": "",
      "chatbotName": "",
      "agentEmail": "john@example.com",
      "agentFullName": "John",
      "isJunk": false,
      "agentRemark": "Hello world 3",
      "createdTime": 1589354307263,
      "counterStartTime": 1589354307263,
      "firstResponseTime": 1589355184000,
      "resolvedTime": 1615305000400,
      "isResolvedByAgent": true,
      "isResolvedByChatbot": false,
      "isResolvedByContact": false,
      "isResolvedBySystem": false,
      "labels": [
        "follow up",
        "hello world"
      "contact": {
        "id": "e148aa04-3e8f-4dd9-82c1-e53c1a93eac1",
        "fullName": "John Doe",
        "alias": "John",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "6281234567890",
        "customerUserID": "johndoe",
        "companyName": "",
        "jobTitle": "",
        "agentRemark": "",
        "customFields": {
          "customer_id": {
            "fieldType": "single_line",
            "value": ""
          "deal_amount": {
            "fieldType": "number",
            "value": ""
          "salutation": {
            "fieldType": "dropdown",
            "value": ""

Last updated