Get Started

Quick Start helps you to implement real-time chat with any type of your client app with speed and efficiency. Our Android SDK provides you with various methods to initialize, configure, and build the chat from the client-side - no server-side implementation is required because our reliable infra management service is delivered with the SDK. This page presents a brief overview of the SDK’s structure and abilities, then lets you go through the preliminary steps of implementing the SDK in your own app.

Configure and Initialize Android SDK

Step 1: Create a new application from your dashboard

1. Login to Dashboard, then choose Development -> Apps

2. Click New App Button, input App Name and choose Platform, and then click Create New App Button.

3. A pop-up dialog will be shown with provided App Key ID & App Key Secret

Note: Please remember to save your App Key ID & your App Key Secret because it will only be shown once and will be used in initialization

Step 2: Install SDK

To start, open your Android project and add the following repositories to your top-level build.gradle file.Project build.gradle

build.gradle (project)
allprojects {
   repositories {
      maven { url "" }
      maven { url "" }

Then add the following dependency to your app-level build.gradle:

build.gradle (:app)
dependencies {
    implementation ''

You can check a more updated version release notes of the SDK here.

In the app build.gradle file, make sure that your project is using the supported Java version like below.

build.gradle (:app)
android {

    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_17

Step 3: Initialize in your Application class

In order to use, you must first initialize a TapTalk instance by passing the APP_ID, APP_SECRET, APP_ICON, APP_BASE_URL, and IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE assigned to your application to the init method as a parameter. Generally, initialization is implemented in the Application class in your project.

Note: To get BASE_URL you can follow our documentation on how to get Base URL on


Parameters CONTEXT: (Context) application context APP_KEY_ID: (String) application key ID APP_KEY_SECRET: (String) application key Secret APP_ICON: (int) drawable resource ID APP_NAME: (String) your application name APP_BASE_URL: (String) base API URL IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE: (enum) found in TapTalkImplentationType, more detailed information below tapListener: (TapListener) an interface to detect TapTalk Android SDK's delegates and callbacks

IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE TapTalkImplementationType consists of 3 types which are: TapTalkImplementationTypeUI: used for implementation with only TapUI TapTalkImplementationTypeCore: used for implementation with only TapCore TapTalkImplementationTypeCombine: used for implementation with both of TapCore and TapUI combined

Note: In the Event Listener page, you can find detailed information on the usages of TapTalk Android SDK's delegates and callbacks.

Step 4: Enable Chat Features

Please follow the steps in Enable Chat Features page to enable's chat features, such as contact sync and sending media, document, and location messages.

Step 5: Authenticate to

In order to use the abilities of the Android SDK in your client app, a TapTalk instance must be initiated in each client app through user authentication with server. An authenticated user account allows the instance to communicate and interact with the server. To authenticate your user with the server, follow the instructions in Authentication page.

Open Your First Room List

To open room list view, you can simply use the openRoomList() method in the TapUI class. Creating a user interface won't be necessary, because have provided an integrated user interface to be used in your application. To use's chat interface, simply initialize our TapUI method and you are good to go. For more information about TapUI and TapCore, please see TapUI and TapCore page. In this example, we will open the room list view directly in your application's MainActivity onCreate() method.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (TapTalk.isAuthenticated()) {
        // Show room list if authentication is completed
    } else {
        // Authentication is required

Note: For more information about Room List View for TapUI, please see Room List section.

Last updated