The Android SDK provides interfaces to listen to various events on the client app. Through these interfaces, notifies the client app of events that happen on your app. You will need to register the listener objects to receive event callbacks from
Event Listener
Listens to general event changes in the application
Listens to UI-related events in Room List View when UI implementation type is used
Listens to UI-related events in Chat Room View when UI implementation type is used
Listens to UI-related events in Chat Profile View when UI implementation type is used
Listens to UI-related events in My Account View when UI implementation type is used
Listens to custom keyboard-related events when UI implementation type is used
Listens to events when a new/updated message is received by the application
Listens to changes to chat room's state in the room list
Listens to room status events such as typing events and online status
Listens to contact related events such as block or unblock contact
General events such as notifications will be notified through TapListener. A TapListener instance is required when initializing TapTalk.
We strongly suggest to override onTapTalkRefreshTokenExpired to handle authentication when the user's session has expired.
TapListener tapListener = new TapListener() {
public void onInitializationCompleted(String instanceKey) {
// Initialization process has finished
public void onTapTalkRefreshTokenExpired() {
// Authentication is needed
public void onTapTalkUnreadChatRoomBadgeCountUpdated(int unreadCount) {
// Returns number of unread messages from the application
public void onNotificationReceived(TAPMessageModel message) {
// A new message from is received
public void onUserLogout() {
// User has finished logging out from TapUI or TapTalk.logoutAndClearAllTapTalkData() process has completed
public void onTaskRootChatRoomClosed(Activity activity) {
// A chat room activity was closed by user when no other activity in the application is present
// You may start another activity to keep the app open, otherwise the app will stay closed
var tapListener: TapListener = object : TapListener() {
override fun onInitializationCompleted(instanceKey: String) {
// Initialization process has finished
override fun onTapTalkRefreshTokenExpired() {
// Authentication is needed
override fun onTapTalkUnreadChatRoomBadgeCountUpdated(unreadCount: Int) {
// Returns number of unread messages from the application
override fun onNotificationReceived(message: TAPMessageModel?) {
// A new message from is received
override fun onUserLogout() {
// User has finished logging out from TapUI or TapTalk.logoutAndClearAllTapTalkData() process has completed
override fun onTaskRootChatRoomClosed(activity: Activity?) {
// A chat room activity was closed by user when no other activity in the application is present
TapListener listens to changes in the following methods:
Method Name
Invoked When
TapTalk instance has finished initialization process.
User's refresh token has expired. An authentication with a new auth ticket is required.
The number of unread messages in the application is updated. Returns the number of unread messages from the application.
User receives new message from through notification. Returns the newly received message.
User has finished logging out from TapUI or TapTalk.logoutAndClearAllTapTalkData() process has completed
A chat room activity was closed by user when no other activity in the application is present (application will close).
TapUIRoomListListener listens to UI-related events in Room List View when UI implementation type is used. You can register a TapUIRoomListListener instance in your application through the TapUI class as follows:
TapUI.getInstance().addRoomListListener(new TapUIRoomListListener() {
public void onSearchChatBarTapped(Activity activity, TapUIMainRoomListFragment mainRoomListFragment) {
// Calling super will open search chat page by default
super.onSearchChatBarTapped(activity, mainRoomListFragment);
public void onCloseRoomListTapped(Activity activity) {
// Calling super will close TapTalk's room list activity by default
public void onTapTalkAccountButtonTapped(Activity activity) {
// Calling super will open TapTalk user account page by default
public void onNewChatButtonTapped(Activity activity) {
// Calling super will open TapTalk start new chat page by default
TapUI.getInstance().addRoomListListener(object : TapUIRoomListListener() {
override fun onSearchChatBarTapped(activity: Activity, mainRoomListFragment: TapUIMainRoomListFragment) {
// Calling super will open search chat page by default
super.onSearchChatBarTapped(activity, mainRoomListFragment)
override fun onCloseRoomListTapped(activity: Activity) {
// Calling super will close TapTalk's room list activity by default
override fun onTapTalkAccountButtonTapped(activity: Activity) {
// Calling super will open TapTalk user account page by default
override fun onNewChatButtonTapped(activity: Activity) {
// Calling super will open TapTalk start new chat page by default
Method Name
Invoked When
Search bar in room list is tapped by active user. Returns the room list activity instance and TapUIMainRoomListFragment instance.
TapTalk's room list activity is closed by active user. Returns the room list activity instance.
My account button in top right room list view is tapped by active user. Returns the room list activity instance.
Floating New Chat button on the bottom right of the room list view is tapped by active user. Returns the room list activity instance.
TapUIChatRoomListener listens to UI-related events in Chat Room View when UI implementation type is used.
Your are also able to customize existing long press menus through this listener.
You can register a TapUIChatRoomListener instance in your application through the TapUI class as follows:
TapUI.getInstance().addChatRoomListener(new TapUIChatRoomListener() {
public void onTapTalkChatRoomOpened(Activity activity, TAPRoomModel room, @Nullable TAPUserModel otherUser) {
// Returns activity instance and opened room model
public void onTapTalkChatRoomClosed(Activity activity, TAPRoomModel room, @Nullable TAPUserModel otherUser) {
// Returns activity instance and closed room model
public void onTapTalkActiveUserSendMessage(Activity activity, TAPMessageModel messageModel, TAPRoomModel room) {
// Returns activity instance, temporary message model to be sent, and the room where the message is being sent
public void onTapTalkUserProfileButtonTapped(Activity activity, TAPRoomModel room, TAPUserModel user) {
// Using super will open TapTalk user profile by default
super.onTapTalkUserProfileButtonTapped(activity, room, user);
public void onTapTalkGroupChatProfileButtonTapped(Activity activity, TAPRoomModel room) {
// Using super will open TapTalk group chat profile by default
super.onTapTalkGroupChatProfileButtonTapped(activity, room);
public void onTapTalkGroupMemberAvatarTapped(Activity activity, TAPRoomModel room, TAPUserModel user) {
// Using super will open TapTalk user profile by default
super.onTapTalkGroupMemberAvatarTapped(activity, room, user);
public void onTapTalkUserMentionTapped(Activity activity, TAPMessageModel messageModel, TAPUserModel user, boolean isRoomParticipant) {
// Using super will open TapTalk user profile by default
super.onTapTalkUserMentionTapped(activity, messageModel, user, isRoomParticipant);
public void onTapTalkMessageQuoteTapped(Activity activity, TAPMessageModel message, HashMap<String, Object> userInfo) {
// Returns activity instance, tapped message, and userInfo
public List<TapLongPressMenuItem> setMessageLongPressMenuItems(Context context, TAPMessageModel messageModel) {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the message's long press menu options
return super.setMessageLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel);
public List<TapLongPressMenuItem> setScheduledMessageLongPressMenuItems(Context context, TAPMessageModel messageModel) {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the scheduled message's long press menu options
return super.setScheduledMessageLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel);
public List<TapLongPressMenuItem> setLinkLongPressMenuItems(Context context, @Nullable TAPMessageModel messageModel, String url) {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the url's long press menu options
return super.setLinkLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel, url);
public List<TapLongPressMenuItem> setEmailLongPressMenuItems(Context context, @Nullable TAPMessageModel messageModel, String emailAddress) {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the email address's long press menu options
return super.setEmailLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel, emailAddress);
public List<TapLongPressMenuItem> setPhoneLongPressMenuItems(Context context, @Nullable TAPMessageModel messageModel, String phoneNumber) {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the phone number's long press menu options
return super.setPhoneLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel, phoneNumber);
public List<TapLongPressMenuItem> setMentionLongPressMenuItems(Context context, @Nullable TAPMessageModel messageModel, String mentionSpan) {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the mention's long press menu options
return super.setMentionLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel, mentionSpan);
public void onLongPressMenuItemSelected(Activity activity, TapLongPressMenuItem longPressMenuItem, TAPMessageModel messageModel) {
// A long press menu item was selected by user
// You may add your own response and delete the super below
super.onLongPressMenuItemSelected(activity, longPressMenuItem, messageModel);
TapUI.getInstance().addChatRoomListener(object : TapUIChatRoomListener() {
override fun onTapTalkChatRoomOpened(activity: Activity, room: TAPRoomModel, otherUser: TAPUserModel?) {
// Returns activity instance and opened room model
override fun onTapTalkChatRoomClosed(activity: Activity, room: TAPRoomModel, otherUser: TAPUserModel?) {
// Returns activity instance and closed room model
override fun onTapTalkActiveUserSendMessage(activity: Activity, messageModel: TAPMessageModel, room: TAPRoomModel) {
// Returns activity instance, temporary message model to be sent, and the destination room
override fun onTapTalkUserProfileButtonTapped(activity: Activity, room: TAPRoomModel, user: TAPUserModel?) {
// Using super will open TapTalk user profile by default
super.onTapTalkUserProfileButtonTapped(activity, room, user)
override fun onTapTalkGroupChatProfileButtonTapped(activity: Activity, room: TAPRoomModel) {
// Using super will open TapTalk group chat profile by default
super.onTapTalkGroupChatProfileButtonTapped(activity, room)
override fun onTapTalkGroupMemberAvatarTapped(activity: Activity, room: TAPRoomModel, user: TAPUserModel) {
// Using super will open TapTalk user profile by default
super.onTapTalkGroupMemberAvatarTapped(activity, room, user)
override fun onTapTalkUserMentionTapped(activity: Activity, messageModel: TAPMessageModel, user: TAPUserModel, isRoomParticipant: Boolean) {
// Using super will open TapTalk user profile by default
super.onTapTalkUserMentionTapped(activity, messageModel, user, isRoomParticipant)
override fun onTapTalkMessageQuoteTapped(activity: Activity, message: TAPMessageModel, userInfo: HashMap<String, Any>?) {
// Returns activity instance, tapped message, and userInfo
override fun setMessageLongPressMenuItems(context: Context, messageModel: TAPMessageModel): List<TapLongPressMenuItem> {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the message's long press menu options
return super.setMessageLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel)
override fun setScheduledMessageLongPressMenuItems(context: Context, messageModel: TAPMessageModel): List<TapLongPressMenuItem> {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the scheduled message's long press menu options
return super.setScheduledMessageLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel)
override fun setLinkLongPressMenuItems(context: Context, messageModel: TAPMessageModel?, url: String): List<TapLongPressMenuItem> {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the url's long press menu options
return super.setLinkLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel, url)
override fun setEmailLongPressMenuItems(context: Context, messageModel: TAPMessageModel?, emailAddress: String): List<TapLongPressMenuItem> {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the email address's long press menu options
return super.setEmailLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel, emailAddress)
override fun setPhoneLongPressMenuItems(context: Context, messageModel: TAPMessageModel?, phoneNumber: String): List<TapLongPressMenuItem> {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the phone number's long press menu options
return super.setPhoneLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel, phoneNumber)
override fun setMentionLongPressMenuItems(context: Context, messageModel: TAPMessageModel?, mentionSpan: String): List<TapLongPressMenuItem> {
// Return your customized list of TapLongPressMenuItem here if you wish to change the mention's long press menu options
return super.setMentionLongPressMenuItems(context, messageModel, mentionSpan)
override fun onLongPressMenuItemSelected(activity: Activity, longPressMenuItem: TapLongPressMenuItem, messageModel: TAPMessageModel?) {
// A long press menu item was selected by user
// You may add your own response and delete the super below
super.onLongPressMenuItemSelected(activity, longPressMenuItem, messageModel)
Method Name
Invoked When
A chat room is opened. Returns the opened activity instance and room model.
A chat room is closed. Returns the closed activity instance and room model.
Active user sends any message to a chat room. Message may not yet be delivered to the room when this happens. Returns the activity instance, message to be sent, and the destination room. Returned message is temporary and the values will be updated through socket once the message is delivered.
Profile button in a personal chat room is tapped by active user. Returns the activity instance, room, and recipient user.
Profile button in a group chat room is tapped by active user. Returns the activity instance and room.
A group member's profile picture on a message bubble in group chat room is tapped by active user. Returns the activity instance, room, and recipient user.
A user mention span in a chat bubble is tapped by active user. Returns activity instance, message model, mentioned user model, and isRoomParticipant
A quote inside a message bubble in a chat room is tapped by active user. Returns activity instance, tapped message, and userInfo.
UserInfo is a HashMap object embedded inside a message containing data specified by client, and is generally null when not specified.
A message bubble in chat room is long pressed by user. will request custom long press items from the client app to be displayed. Returns context and the long pressed message.
A message bubble in scheduled messages chat room is long pressed by user. will request custom long press items from the client app to be displayed. Returns context and the long pressed message.
A URL inside a message bubble is long pressed by user. will request custom long press items from the client app to be displayed. Returns context, the long pressed message, and the URL.
An email address inside a message bubble is long pressed by user. will request custom long press items from the client app to be displayed. Returns context, the long pressed message, and the email address.
A phone number inside a message bubble is long pressed by user. will request custom long press items from the client app to be displayed. Returns context, the long pressed message, and the phone number.
A mention span inside a message bubble is long pressed by user. will request custom long press items from the client app to be displayed. Returns context, the long pressed message, and the mention span.
A long press menu is selected by the active user. Returns the current activity, long pressed menu item, and the message model.
TapUIChatProfileListener listens to UI-related events in Chat Profile View when UI implementation type is used. You can register a TapUIChatProfileListener instance in your application through the TapUI class as follows:
TapUI.getInstance().addChatProfileListener(new TapUIChatProfileListener() {
public void onReportUserButtonTapped(Activity activity, TAPRoomModel room, TAPUserModel reportedUser) {
// Returns activity instance, room model, and user model
public void onReportGroupButtonTapped(Activity activity, TAPRoomModel room) {
// Returns activity instance and room model
public void onGroupInCommonItemTapped(Activity activity, TAPRoomModel room) {
// Returns activity instance and room model
TapUI.getInstance().addChatProfileListener(object : TapUIChatProfileListener() {
override fun onReportUserButtonTapped(activity: Activity, room: TAPRoomModel, reportedUser: TAPUserModel) {
// Returns activity instance, room model, and user model
override fun onReportGroupButtonTapped(activity: Activity, room: TAPRoomModel) {
// Returns activity instance and room model
override fun onGroupInCommonItemTapped(activity: Activity, room: TAPRoomModel) {
// Returns activity instance and room model
Method Name
Invoked When
Active user taps the Report User button in chat profile view. Returns activity instance, room model, and the reported user model.
Active user taps the Report Group button in chat profile view. Returns activity instance and room model.
Active user taps an item in Groups in Common list. Returns activity instance and room model.
TapUIMyAccountListener listens to UI-related events in My Account View when UI implementation type is used. You can register a TapUIMyAccountListener instance in your application through the TapUI class as follows:
TapUI.getInstance().addMyAccountListener(new TapUIMyAccountListener() {
public void onDeleteButtonInMyAccountPageTapped(@NonNull Activity activity) {
// Returns My Account activity instance
TapUI.getInstance().addMyAccountListener(object : TapUIMyAccountListener() {
override fun onDeleteButtonInMyAccountPageTapped(activity: Activity) {
// Returns My Account activity instance
Method Name
Invoked When
Active user taps the Delete Account button in My Account view. Returns the currently active My Account activity instance.
TapCustomKeyboardListener bridges the custom keyboard-related events between and the client app when UI implementation type is used. will request custom keyboard items from the client app through this listener when a chat room is opened by the user. TapCustomKeyboardListener can be implemented using the TapUI class.
TapUI.getInstance().addCustomKeyboardListener(new TapCustomKeyboardListener() {
public List<TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel> setCustomKeyboardItems(TAPRoomModel room, TAPUserModel activeUser, @Nullable TAPUserModel recipientUser) {
// Return items here if you wish to use custom keyboard in chat room
return null;
public void onCustomKeyboardItemTapped(Activity activity, TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel customKeyboardItem, TAPRoomModel room, TAPUserModel activeUser, @Nullable TAPUserModel recipientUser) {
// Do an action when user taps a custom keyboard item
TapUI.getInstance().addCustomKeyboardListener(object : TapCustomKeyboardListener() {
override fun setCustomKeyboardItems(
room: TAPRoomModel?,
activeUser: TAPUserModel?, @Nullable recipientUser: TAPUserModel?
): List<TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel>? {
// Return items here if you wish to use custom keyboard in chat room
return null
override fun onCustomKeyboardItemTapped(
activity: Activity?,
customKeyboardItem: TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel?,
room: TAPRoomModel?,
activeUser: TAPUserModel?, @Nullable recipientUser: TAPUserModel?
) {
// Do an action when user taps a custom keyboard item
To use custom keyboard in the chat room, return a list of TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel on the setCustomKeyboardItems() method in this listener. See the example below:JavaKotlin
TapCustomKeyboardManager.getInstance().addCustomKeyboardListener(new TapCustomKeyboardListener() {
public List<TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel> setCustomKeyboardItems(TAPRoomModel room, TAPUserModel activeUser, @Nullable TAPUserModel recipientUser) {
List<TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel> customKeyboardItems = new ArrayList<>();
TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel customKeyboardItem1 = new TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel(
"Hello, " + room.getRoomName()
TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel customKeyboardItem2 = new TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel(
"Hello, my name is " + activeUser.getName()
return customKeyboardItems;
public void onCustomKeyboardItemTapped(Activity activity, TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel customKeyboardItem, TAPRoomModel room, TAPUserModel activeUser, @Nullable TAPUserModel recipientUser) {
if (customKeyboardItem.getItemID().equals("customKeyboardItem1")) {
// Custom keyboard item 1 was tapped by user
} else if (customKeyboardItem.getItemID().equals("customKeyboardItem2")) {
// Custom keyboard item 2 was tapped by user
TapCustomKeyboardManager.getInstance().addCustomKeyboardListener(object : TapCustomKeyboardListener() {
override fun setCustomKeyboardItems(
room: TAPRoomModel?,
activeUser: TAPUserModel?, @Nullable recipientUser: TAPUserModel?
): List<TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel> {
val customKeyboardItems = ArrayList()
val customKeyboardItem1 = TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel(
"Hello, " + room.getRoomName()
val customKeyboardItem2 = TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel(
"Hello, my name is " + activeUser!!.name
return customKeyboardItems
override fun onCustomKeyboardItemTapped(
activity: Activity?,
customKeyboardItem: TAPCustomKeyboardItemModel?,
room: TAPRoomModel?,
activeUser: TAPUserModel?, @Nullable recipientUser: TAPUserModel?
) {
if (customKeyboardItem!!.itemID == "customKeyboardItem1") {
// Custom keyboard item 1 was tapped by user
} else if (customKeyboardItem.itemID == "customKeyboardItem2") {
// Custom keyboard item 2 was tapped by user
Method Name
Invoked When
Chat room is opened. will request custom keyboard items from the client app to be displayed in the chat room. Returns room, active user, and the recipient user (only for personal chat room)
A custom keyboard item in a chat room is tapped by the user. Returns the activity instance, custom keyboard item, room, active user, and recipient user (only for personal chat room)
TapCoreMessageListener listens to message-related events, such as receiving new or updated message. TapCoreMessageListener can be registered through the TapCoreMessageManager class.JavaKotlin
TapCoreMessageManager.getInstance().addMessageListener(new TapCoreMessageListener() {
public void onReceiveNewMessage(TAPMessageModel message) {
public void onReceiveUpdatedMessage(TAPMessageModel message) {
public void onMessageDeleted(TAPMessageModel message) {
public void onRequestMessageFileUpload(TAPMessageModel message, Uri fileUri) {
TapCoreMessageManager.getInstance().addMessageListener(object : TapCoreReceiveMessageListener() {
override fun onReceiveNewMessage(message: TAPMessageModel?) {
override fun onReceiveUpdatedMessage(message: TAPMessageModel?) {
override fun onMessageDeleted(message: TAPMessageModel?) {
override fun onRequestMessageFileUpload(message: TAPMessageModel?, fileUri: Uri?) {
Method Name
Invoked When
A new message is received. Returns the newly received message.
An updated message is received. Returns the updated message.
A message is deleted. Returns the deleted message.
Active user sends a message with file, such as image, video, or document. Returns the message to be sent and the uri of the file to be uploaded by the client.
Note: the callback onRequestMessageFileUpload() will only be invoked when the user calls setUploadMessageFileToExternalServerEnabled(true) in TapCoreMessageManager. Enabling this will prevent the SDK from uploading message files, which are image, video, or document, to TapTalk servers, means the message will not be sent until the client returns the uploaded file's URL to the SDK through the onFileUploadCompleted method in TapCoreMessageManager.
Changes to a chat room's state, such as pin and mute events are notified through TapCoreRoomListListener. An instance of TapCoreRoomListListener can be registered from the TapCoreRoomListManager class.
TapCoreRoomListManager.getInstance().addCoreRoomListListener(new TapCoreRoomListListener() {
public void onChatRoomMuted(@NonNull String roomID, long expiryTime) {
public void onChatRoomUnmuted(@NonNull String roomID) {
public void onChatRoomPinned(@NonNull String roomID) {
public void onChatRoomUnpinned(@NonNull String roomID) {
public void onChatRoomDeleted(@NonNull String roomID) {
TapCoreRoomListManager.getInstance().addCoreRoomListListener(object : TapCoreRoomListListener() {
override fun onChatRoomMuted(roomID: String, expiryTime: Long) {
override fun onChatRoomUnmuted(roomID: String) {
override fun onChatRoomPinned(roomID: String) {
override fun onChatRoomUnpinned(roomID: String) {
override fun onChatRoomDeleted(roomID: String) {
Method Name
Invoked When
The active user muted a chat room. Returns the room ID and mute expiry time of the muted room.
The active user unmuted a chat room. Returns the room ID of the unmuted room.
The active user pinned a chat room. Returns the room ID of the pinned room.
The active user unpinned a chat room. Returns the room ID of the unpinned room.
The active user deleted a chat room. Returns the room ID of the deleted room.
Room status events such as typing events and online status are notified through TapCoreChatRoomListener. An instance of TapCoreChatRoomListener can be registered from the TapCoreContactManager class.
TapCoreChatRoomManager.getInstance().addContactListener(new TapCoreChatRoomListener() {
public void onReceiveStartTyping(String roomID, TAPUserModel user) {
public void onReceiveStopTyping(String roomID, TAPUserModel user) {
public void onReceiveOnlineStatus(TAPUserModel user, Boolean isOnline, Long lastActive) {
Another user starts typing a message in a chat room. Returns the room ID and typing user.
Another user stops typing a message in a chat room. Returns the room ID and typing user.
Another user comes online or offline. Returns the updated user, online status, and the updated user's last active time stamp.
Contact related events such as block/unblock are notified through TapCoreContactListener. An instance of TapCoreContactListener can be registered from the TapCoreContactManager class.
TapCoreContactManager.getInstance().addContactListener(new TapCoreContactListener() {
public void onContactBlocked(TAPUserModel user) {
public void onContactUnblocked(TAPUserModel user) {
TapCoreContactManager.getInstance().addContactListener(object : TapCoreContactListener() {
override fun onContactBlocked(user: TAPUserModel) {
override fun onContactUnblocked(user: TAPUserModel) {
Method Name
Invoked When
Active user blocks another user. Returns the blocked user.
Active user unblocks another user. Returns the unblocked user.