You can customize the appearance of the TapTalkLive view's color scheme. To do this, open your application's colors.xml file and override the values present in library's values.xml file.
Customize Default Color Theme
To customize the UI's color theme, open your colors.xml file and add override following values with your own colors:
Note: you can override the default color values partially, but it is recommended to change all of them accordingly to make sure the color theme within the chat UI matches
Customize General Colors
The following are the values used as general component colors, present in colors.xml
<!--Light text color on dark background-->
<color name="ttlColorTextLight">@color/yourLightTextColor</color>
<!--Medium text color generally used on subtitles or placeholders-->
<color name="ttlColorTextMedium">@color/yourMediumTextColor</color>
<!--Dark text color on light background-->
<color name="ttlColorTextDark">@color/yourDarkTextColor</color>
<!--Identifies successful actions-->
<color name="ttlColorSuccess">@color/yourSuccessTextColor</color>
<!--Identifies errors or destructive actions-->
<color name="ttlColorError">@color/yourErrorTextColor</color>
<!--Primary colored icons used on light background-->
<color name="ttlColorPrimaryIcon">@color/yourPrimaryIconColor</color>
<!--White icons used on colored background-->
<color name="ttlColorWhiteIcon">@color/yourCustomLightIconColor</color>
<!--Default color for gray icons-->
<color name="ttlColorGrayIcon">@color/yourGrayIconColor</color>
<!--Default icon color for successful actions-->
<color name="ttlColorSuccessIcon">@color/yourSuccessIconColor</color>
<!--Default icon color for errors or destructive actions-->
<color name="ttlColorDestructiveIcon">@color/yourDestructiveIconColor</color>