Room List

If you are using core implementation type, the application's chat room list can be managed with the TapCoreRoomListManager class using the following methods:

TapTalk Room List Method


​Get Updated Room List​

Call this method to fetch the latest room list data from the server and update to the local cache

Get Room List by XC User ID

Call this method to get room list by XC User ID

Get Personal Chat Room with User Model

Call this method to get personal chat room model with user model.

Get User by ID

Call this method to get user data by ID

Remove Chat Room by Room ID

Call this method to remove single room from room list

Get Updated Room List

Call this method to retrieve the latest room list data from the server.

      onSuccess: (roomLists) => {
           // do action here

Get Room List by XC User ID

Call this method to get room list by XC User ID

tapCoreRoomListManager.getRoomByXcID(xcRoomID, { 
      onSuccess: (response) => {
           // do action here
      onError: (errorCode, errorMessage) => {
           // do action here

Get Personal Chat Room with User Model

Call this method to get personal chat room model with user model.

var roomModel = tapCoreRoomListManager.getPersonalChatRoomWithUser(userModel)

Get User by ID

Call this method to get user data by ID

tapCoreRoomListManager.getUserByIdFromApi(userID, { 
      onSuccess: (response) => {
           // do action here
      onError: (errorCode, errorMessage) => {
           // do action here

Remove Chat Room by Room ID

Call this method to remove single room from room list


Get Muted Room

Fetch all muted rooms

tapCoreRoomListManager.getMutedRooms((res) => 
   // do action here


CALLBACK: (Method) callback method

Set Muted Room

Set mute rooms

tapCoreRoomListManager.setMutedRooms(ROOM_ID, EXPIRED_AT, (res) => 
   // do action here


ROOM_ID: (Array) array of roomID EXPIRED_AT : (Number) timestamp of expired time CALLBACK: (Method) callback method

Unset Muted Room

Unset muted rooms

tapCoreRoomListManager.unsetMutedRooms(ROOM_ID, (res) => 
   // do action here


ROOM_ID: (Array) array of roomID CALLBACK: (Method) callback method

Get Pinned Room

Fetch all pinned rooms

tapCoreRoomListManager.getPinnedRoomID((res) => 
   // do action here


CALLBACK: (Method) callback method

Set Pin Room

Set pin rooms

tapCoreRoomListManager.pinRoom(ROOM_ID, (res) => 
   // do action here


ROOM_ID: (Array) array of roomID CALLBACK: (Method) callback method

Unset Pinned Room

Unset pinned rooms

tapCoreRoomListManager.unpinRoom(ROOM_ID, (res) => 
   // do action here


ROOM_ID: (Array) array of roomID CALLBACK: (Method) callback method

Last updated