TapTalk.io Omnichannel SDK provides some essential methods to handle user authentication.
Authenticate User (Optional)
You can authenticate the user that is currently logged in before calling navigateToOneTalk. To do this, you can add an authentication method in the previously created module file. (See Get Started - iOS). We will add a RCT_EXPORT_METHOD named authenticateUser.
You can start by adding an authentication method in AppDelegate.m.
You can then call the method from JavaScript as such:
(successMessage) => {
// Successfully authenticated user
(errorMessage) => {
// An error occurred during authentication
After successfully authenticated, user will no longer be required to fill name and email to create a case.
Logout and Clear TapTalkLive Data
You may also add another method when you need to logout and clear all local cached data from Omnichannel SDK. We will name this method clearAllTapLiveData.
Start by adding an authentication method in AppDelegate.m and AppDelegate.h.
@interface AppDelegate () <TapTalkLiveDelegate>
// Method to clear all live chat data
- (void)clearAllTapLiveData {
[[TapTalkLive sharedInstance] clearAllTapLiveData];